The value of agricultural investments is preserved and enhanced by proactively protecting these assets and supporting those who use this precious resource to grow our food. Bitro Fusion Club Agriculture Investment creates powerful partnerships between investors and Australian agro-businesses through a range of investment and asset management services. We offer a rare combination of extensive high-value investment expertise and operational farm management experience.
Five Investment Philosophy
Aligning food and finance: There is no more important investment than one that secures our food supply. Managed effectively, these investments will also generate excellent financial returns.
Regenerative Agriculture: The health of the ecosystem as a whole determines the profitability and sustainability of an agribusiness. A regenerative approach sees productivity increases (in land and livestock), cost reductions and improved profitability, and significant ongoing environmental benefits.
Operational Excellence: We only work with those agribusinesses that have a commitment to optimal performance and productivity, a continual focus on improvement, and a clear strategy for future success.
Market driven not production driven: Agricultural sustainability lies in identifying opportunities based on what the market wants rather than what we wish to produce. This requires an integrated supply model which ensures a clear pathway to market, captures margins across the supply chain, increases prices transparency and reduces volatility, and shifts focus from producing commodities to products.
Agriculture is an Intergenerational Investment: Successful investment in agriculture may require a long term approach; patience in creating lasting wealth and value.